Historical documentation aims to preserve and protect. Capturing historical moments -- such as taking a photograph-- creates the illusion of stillness. However, physical markers and context are ever changing as time transforms and reconfigures. 

Through the quality of anthotypes and the use of self documentation, I engage with this process of preservation and fragmentation. My hand, both present yet not fully in control, provides guidance, while natural elements determine their fate. Digital scans within their own nature, further process these panels, as ultimately it is me the maker and viewer who must sit with the constant state of change.  


Beets (fragmentation 1)


Digital Scan


13 x 13 Inches


Turmeric (fragmentation 2)


Digital Scan

10 Panels 


13 x 13 Inches


Wine (fragmentation 3)


Digital Scan

8 Panels 


13 x 13 Inches